The Lifestyle Podcast hosted by C4 Lifestyle with hosts Sonic and Snuff. The podcast focuses on car scene mods, new and old. Car news and products along with discussions on videos uploaded to C4 Lifestyle’s Youtube channel. Check out our behind the mic series on the site where we dive in more into our topics, and dont worry videos are coming soon!

Latest Episodes

End of Season 4!

As we wrap things up here, because now the season is around the corner, we have a ton of projects to finish before the season starts but we leave you as always with ou...

Shooting the Shit

Yeah I'll be honest. We are pretty burnt from the everyday grind. And with a few (very cool) things in the pipe line we literally laid back and just do the usual. Talk...

Peoples Choice?

We dive in a little on the people choice award shows. Are they even worth it? And we update everyone on tuner battle grounds with both C4 cars in going into stage 3!

Tunerbattle Grounds & Daisy Duke Shorts

The ultimate title huh? Yea we know. This one is much more laid back shooting the shit. But we spice things up and when I say we I mean myself on having the internet h...

WTF Internet (again)

Take overs, people dying case of them. Task Force out to get car people. come on guys wtf

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